

2016-05-12 14:46:09
来源:厂商供稿 作者:ifeng_nc



Interviewee: Zhou Jiang

1.  您如何看待DS品牌在中国市场的发展?

What do you think of the development of DS brand in China?

A自2012年进入中国以来,DS创下了一个又一个耀眼记录。短短四年间,DS已经跻身主流豪华车阵营,并于一年之内推出DS 5DS 5LSDS 6三款车型,创造了业内闻名的“DS速度”。去年4月,我们公布了新的中文口号“前卫·巴黎”,向所有人展现了我们的独立精神和先锋态度,也开启了DS品牌的全新征程。我们现在中国深圳有一个工厂和一个研发中心,我相信将来能够继续稳固增长,吸引更多的客户,把我们推向市场的产品交到用户手中。我们的第四款车,精致动感两厢车DS 4S北京车展正式上市。在中国94家DS STORE的扩张也呈现不断增长趋势,我想后面在中国的发展趋势会更加好。

Since entering China in 2012, DS has set up more than one brilliant record. Over a short span of three years, DS came to China and now becomes the one of main premium auto brand, andwithin a year there are three models of DS have been launched, DS 5, DS 5LS and DS 6, created the industry’s famous "DS speed". In April 2015, we announced a new Chinese slogan "Spirit of Avant-garde", to all the people to show our independent spirit and pioneer attitude, but also to open a new journey DS brand. Besides, we own a plant and a R&D centre in Shenzhen and genuinely I am sure what we have done can remain the stable growth of DS, attract more consumers and deliver our production cars to them. DS 4S , the fourth local made model by DS brand, at Beijing Auto Show, DS announced the launch of its refined and dynamic hatchback DS 4S. .So far, DS has 94DS STORE in China, which still maintains an upward trend. I firmly believe DS will keep a better trend of growth in China.

2. 现在市面上有越来越多的豪车经销店,您觉得与它们相比,DS STORE的特点及优势在哪里?

DS 已在中国建成超过100家网点Here come lots of distribution stores to sell premium vehicles. Could you tell the features and advantages of DS STORE?

A:不同于其他豪华品牌的4S店,DS STORE吸收了奢侈品的经营理念,更有尊贵感,对客户的尊重,店内布置温馨,考究,完美符合豪车消费者对于购车体验的需求。

Different for other premium auto brands’ 4S store, DS STORE obtains the business concepts from luxury goods. Its premium-ness, respects to consumers and exquisite decorations match well with the needs of targeted premium car consumers.

DS  STORE展厅外立面设计如同精美华丽的水晶玻璃盒,中央摆放的展车就是位于水晶玻璃盒中的珠宝,高贵而典雅。黑色皮质质感的图腾墙给人豪华之感,同时更加凸显正中的银色DS LOGO,通透的超白玻璃幕墙使客户在任何环境下都可以将展车一览无遗。走进DS STORE即能从五感上享受DS的独一无二:建筑装饰应用大量高档材料、内饰布局独具匠心、为DS STORE量身打造的环境音乐、独特香氛更体现DS独特而奢华的服务理念,让客户在获得尊贵的享受之余对DS STORE经久难忘。DS STORE全新打造了数字化展厅,采用先进的个人通讯工具(如iPad,安卓系统)及全程引进的全新售后服务系统等人性化科技配备对店面进行管理,显得非常现代时尚。

The façade of DS STORE just looks like a fine crystal glass box. Centre-placed cars are the jewellery in the box, full of elegance and dignity. The black leather-like totem wall sends out a sense of premium-ness and presents a sharp contrast against the sliver DS LOGO. Clients can see all the exhibition cars through the transparent glass under any circumstance. You can find and enjoy the uniqueness of DS in DS STORE. Top-quality decoration materials, unique interior layout, music customized for DS STORE and amazing fragrance, all of these show DS amazing service philosophy. DS STORE develops all-new digitized exhibition hall and can be well managed via modern communication tools (such as iPad etc.) and brand-new after-sales service system.

3、目前DS STORE主营的车型有哪些,各自的亮点分别是什么?

Could you tell us the main models sold in DS STORE? And what are the USPs of those models?

A:目前有四款:DS 4S、新DS 5,2016款DS 5LS和2016款DS  6。

At present, DS 4S, New DS 5, 2016 DS 5LS and 2016 DS 6 are available at DS STORE.

作为DS旗下首款两厢车,DS 4S以北京车展为舞台重磅上市。DS 4S搭载了THP130、THP160、THP200三种排量发动机,动力区间覆盖100KW-150KW,为消费者提供多种选择。这一系列发动机连续多年被评选为“年度发动机”,在1000转时就会有涡轮介入,1400转即能达到峰值扭矩,动力非常充沛。与之搭配的是最新第三代爱信六速手自一体变速器,性能成熟稳定,换档速度提升40%,更加平顺。这样的动力系统也为DS 4S带来了良好的燃油经济性,其中1.2T车型的综合工况油耗仅为5.6L。DS 4S外观设计多处细节从T台素获取灵感,融合DS Pattern组合式菱形,呈现出钻石般切割的光彩;配备“DS LED Vision”技术,采用前后全LED灯组,前大灯还带有随动转向功能。内饰方面,DS 4S延续了红与黑的内饰设计风格,运动气息浓郁;仪表台、门护板等触手可及的地方均用Nappa真皮覆盖,加上表链式座椅设计、法式双缝线工艺等,精致感油然而生。其搭载的DS CONNECT智能互联系统也进一步升级,新增了VR(Voice Recognize)语音识别功能。

The first hatchback of DS brand, DS 4S, took full advantage of the 2016 Beijing Auto Show for its launch platform. DS 4S comes with three engines: THP130, THP160 and THP200, with a power output ranging from 100kw to 150kw, providing multiple choices for its consumers. This series of engines has been awarded the “Engine of the Year” for consecutive years. At 1000 rpm, the turbine will be engaged, while at 1400 rpm, the torque will reach its peak, so the engines have extremely strong power. The latest third generation AISIN AT6 gearbox complements the engines, featuring sophisticated and stable performance with a shift speed that can be increased by 40% resulting in smoother operation. Additionally, this powertrain allows for better fuel economy for DS 4S, compared to the fuel consumption of the 1.2T model which is only 5.6L. Many DS 4S design details were inspired by elements from catwalks and reflect the brilliance of a finely cut diamond, combined with the DS rhombus pattern; DS 4S is deployed with “DS LED Vision” with LED lights in both front and rear, with the front lights equipped with Active Front Steering (AFS) functionality. As for the interior, DS 4S carries on the designed style with red and black, rich in sporty features: the dashboard, door trim and other accessible places that are covered with Nappa leather, along with a watch-chain seat design, and French double-stitches pattern, etc. These features embody the refined details of DS 4S. Its DS CONNECT intelligent interconnectivity system has also been further upgraded to incorporate Voice Recognize (VR) functionality.

新世代前卫豪华跨界车新DS 5启用“DS 之翼”家族式前脸,DS 旗下车型前脸样式得到统一,进一步深化品牌独立进程,同时也更加凸显出新DS 5 豪华汽车的身份和气质。主打香槟金(亮光),顶配车型还可以选择幻砂金(哑光)。创新的金色车漆,一色双质,顶尖工艺铸就完美漆面,更显法式贵族气质。新增前卫时尚、极富运动气息的红色内饰,更充分满足消费者的个性需求。新增1.8T 发动机,动力输出强力升级。1.8T 发动机具备VVT 可变气门正时、单涡轮双涡管涡轮等先进技术,显著提升进气效率、扩大发动机效率,并有效减少排气干涉现象,提升扭矩表现,缔造了高效低耗的动力表现:150KW(即203 马力)最大功率、280Nm 最大扭矩,1400 转即可输出最大扭矩,直至4000 转均保持稳定的巅峰扭矩输出、百公里油耗仅为6.5L。搭载STTd 智能停启系统,在城市拥堵路况,燃油节省率最高可达15%。

New DS 5, the new generation of premium crossover vehicle, applies DS family front end “DS Wings”, which further deepens the brand independency and shows the identity of New DS 5 as a premium car. It has two colors for option – one is Champagne gold (polished) and the other is magic gold (matte, only available for the high configuration model). What’s more, the new-added red interior meets the personalized needs of consumers. New DS 5 comes with 1.8T engine. Thanks to advanced technologies including VVT (Variable Valve Timing) and twin-scroll turbo charged engine, New DS 5 has great improvement in air intake efficiency, engine efficiency, interference between exhaust system, and performance at low torque. It has a top power of 150 kW and maximum torque of 280 Nm from 1,400 rpm. The oil consumption is only 6.5L/100km. New DS 5 carries with STTdwhich can achieve a maximum fuel saving of 15% when driving on urban roads

2016款DS 5LS是DS品牌打造的5D全感官A级豪华三厢轿车,最大特点就是为消费者提供全感官豪华体验,主要体现在原创设计、高效动力、精工细作、人性科技和绿色健康5大方面,为消费者提供了视、听、品、触、嗅的全感官驾乘体验。这款车拥有具有冲击力的“DS之翼”DS全新家族前脸设计和“表链式”座椅设计等DS标志性的设计元素;通过空气动力学、密封隔音、轮胎和优质发动机等共同打造的静谧车内空间,用户还能享受Hi-Fi级别音响效果。从动力上看,2016款DS 5LS新增1.8T发动机、并提供越级的车内空间、还搭配有DS全新研发的DS CONNECT智能互联服务系统。2016款DS 5LS的内饰工艺精湛,采用了NAPPA+SEMI-ANILINE顶级真皮和斑马纹实木素材、人性化设计的内饰、超清晰触摸屏也能提供豪华触觉体验。另外该车采用“无沥青环保阻尼垫“,加上AQS空气质量控制系统及离子发生器、确保客户享受到DS豪车独有的森林般的清新空气。

2016 DS 5LS is the first 5D full sensorial A-class premium sedan and is mostly featured by providing full sensorial premium experience, expressed in 5 aspects as original conception, efficient power, refinements, technology for well beings and green health to offer consumers full sensorial driving experience in sight, hear, taste, touch and smell perspectives. It comes with DS family front end “DS Wings” and “watch strap” seats etc. Consumers can enjoy Hi-Fi acoustic in the quiet car space. 2016 DS 5LS adds 1.8T engine, greater inner space and DS CONNECT. Besides, 2016 DS 5LS uses NAPPA + SEMI-ANILINE leather, zebra grain solid wood, humanized interior, HD touch screen, offering a premium tactile experience. All the damping plates are made by PVC material and butyl rubber. AQS and ion generator system can be found in 2016 DS 5LS to ensure consumers experience the fresh air in the car.

野性优雅豪华SUV 2016款DS 6 新增1.8T 发动机,动力输出强力升级。1.8T 发动机具备VVT 可变气门正时、单涡轮双涡管涡轮等先进技术,显著提升进气效率、扩大发动机效率,并有效减少排气干涉现象,提升扭矩表现,缔造了高效低耗的动力表现:150KW(即203 马力)最大功率、280Nm 最大扭矩,1400 转即可输出最大扭矩,直至4000 转均保持稳定的巅峰扭矩输出、百公里油耗仅为6.5L。全系标配STTd 智能停启系统,在城市拥堵路况,燃油节省率最高可达15%。2016款DS 6也严格执行国际环保标准,全车阻尼垫材质均选用丁基橡胶和PVC食品级环保材质,并搭载了AQS空气质量控制系统和离子发生器系统。2016款DS 6还是一款健康智能未来派SUV车型,其搭载的盲点监测系统、电动尾门、主动胎压监测系统和智能互联服务——DS CONNECT等多项高科技人性化配置让驾驶过程充满趣味性,又最大限度保障了驾乘者的行车安全。

2016 DS 6, a premium SUV with wildness and refinement, adds 1.8T engine, which marks great upgrade in power output. 1.8T engine owns advanced technologies including VVT (Variable Valve Timing) and twin-scroll turbo charged engine, which lets 2016 DS 6 a great improvement in air intake efficiency, engine efficiency, interference between exhaust system, and performance at low torque. In addition, 1.8T engine has a top power of 150 KW (that is 230 bhp), and maximum torque of 280 Nm from 1,400 rpm, right up to 4,000 rpm. The oil consumption is 6.5L/100km. 2016 DS 6 features STTd (STOP & START), which can achieve a maximum fuel saving of 15% when driving on urban roads. It strictly follows the global environmental-friendly standards. All the damping plates are made by PVC material and butyl rubber. AQS and ion generator system can be found in 2016 DS 6. Besides, it comes with humanized configurations, like blind spot monitoring system, electric rear door, active tire pressure monitoring system and DS CONNECT and so on. All can secure the safety of drivers and passengers as much as possible.

4、对于DS STORE,厂商方面会有哪些支持,比如优惠政策?

Could automakers offer any support to DS STORE, like favorable policy?


DS will expand and improve distribution channel with a fantastic speed to offer more and more convenience to DS consumers.

我们秉承“超越客户期望,收获客户愉悦”的服务理念,推出服务品牌“DS SERVICE”,将“尊享、品质、感动”的核心价值赋予到DS服务的全过程中。让用户自新车交付的时刻起,即可享受一对一的管家式服务,拥有专属售后服务顾问。同时提供24小时特色预约系统,实现全天候、多通道的服务预约。另外,DS拥有一整套的透明车间管理系统和源于WRC赛车文化的竞技速保服务,能够在最短的时间内完成相应工作。

We launch “DS SERVICE” with the ethos of “Delivering joy to customer by exceeding their expectations” by integrating the core values of “Exclusiveness, Quality and Touching” into every process of our DS Service. From the moment that car owners pick up the new car, they will have a one-to-one exclusive service consultant and enjoy a 24-hours appointment system. In addition, DS owns a set of E-workshop management system and a rapid maintenance service, coming from WRC culture. All of these can ensure the related work could be finished in a short time.

而另外自2014年月起,DS 品牌联合经销商投入巨资,由DS SERVICE服务团队在全国范围内持续开展了异地服务免费上门活动——凡是客户实际用车范围,距离最近的DS STORE超过200公里,DS SERVICE 服务团队将选取临近的正规且专业的场地,为用户提供便捷的上门服务。

From September, 2014, DS brand has made a huge investment with dealers to offer free door-to-door service all over China provided by DS SERVICE team, that is, in the actual car-using range, which is over 200km from the nearest DS STORE, DS SERVICE team will choose the professional place to offer door-to-door service for car owners.


The after-sales service of DS brand is really amazing. It plays a positive role in customer satisfaction improvement and sales growth.


Up to now, how is the Network channel construction of DS in China?


Up to now, DS has built more than 100 salesman network in China(including 4S Store, city terminal,transition terminal etc.), which cover more than 60 major cities.


By 2016, we do not mainly target at the quantity of outlet. Our main task this year is to optimize and adjust the existing outlet structure, and comprehensively improve the existing outlet quality, so as to ensure that dealers smoothly achieve their targets.

DS服务品牌DS SERVICE以“敢超越,享无忧”为服务理念,坚持以用户为中心,在选车、购车、用车的各个环节,为消费者提供专业化、高品质的服务。

DS SERVICE takes “Dare to impress, Dare to enjoy” as the service philosophy, insists on the orientation of users, and provides professional and high-quality service for consumers in various links including selection, purchase, and use of cars.


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