整理 |张坤
编辑 |王鑫
Hello, everyone. I"m very happy to see so many of you today. We"re very excited about the upcoming IAA mobility here in Munich show from September 7 to September 12. Shortly ago, we provided you with the press release that describes the new concept of the IAA in great detail. Here are some of them. The IAA will be the first international large-scale event to be held in Germany since the lifting of the lockdown restrictions.
---非常高兴今天见到这么多人参会。IAA Mobility将于9月7-12日在慕尼黑举行。我们对此感到非常兴奋。我们前不久向大家提供了新闻稿,详细介绍了IAA Mobility的新构想。下面谈其中的几点。本次IAA Mobility将会是德国在疫情解封之后举行的首场大型国际性活动。
Of course, everything is new at the IAA. But we have carried one tradition from Frankfurt to Munich. We are very, very happy that chancellor Merkel will open the IAA mobility on September 7th. Very important for you, the press days will take place on Monday, September 6th, and Tuesday, September 7th. So please register online at our website and go through the accreditation procedure. The IAA Mobility will be the largest and most state of the art mobility event in the world. It is really a perfect fit for the present moment in which Europe has set itself the goal for becoming the first climate neutral continent of the world. We are bringing a lot of things together at the IAA, the automobile, the bicycle, the public transport, the tech industry, software industry, and urban planning.
---本次IAA Mobility全面创新。从法兰克福到慕尼黑,我们延续了一项传统。默克尔总理将会在9月7日宣布IAA Mobility开幕。这让我们倍感欣喜。对各位很重要的是,9月6日(周一)和7日(周二)将是媒体日。请在我们的网站上注册并办理认证。在交通出行领域,IAA Mobility将会是全球最大最先进的活动,完美呼应欧洲当前为自己设定的成为全球首个气候中和大洲的目标。汽车、自行车、公共交通、高科技产业、软件产业和城市规划等多种元素将被引入IAA Mobility。
Let me briefly sketch the highlights for you. We are happy to realize together with our partner Messe München a unique first of its kind event concept, more than a thousand exhibitors and speakers will be present, presenting their ideas and concepts. This will make us the world"s largest mobility platform. The IAA will offers 100 world premieres and more. The IAA presents autonomous driving in a way that can be really experienced for all our visitors, participants. The ability offers more than 250 innovative test vehicles for visitors in the blue lane, which is an environmental car lane. That"s really special. It"s the first time here in Germany that we can introduce that in the real traffic.
---我们将与合作伙伴慕尼黑展览中心联合首创办展理念。上千家参展厂商和演讲嘉宾将会莅临,阐述他们的思想和概念。这将会搭建世界最大的移动出行行业平台。在IAA Mobility上,将会举行百余场全球首发。访客们还能真实体验自动驾驶。在蓝色通道这条环保车道上,将有250多台创新车辆提供试驾。这将是在德国首次举行实路试驾,具有特殊意义。
By the way, just to inform you, the IAA Mobility is from the start, the largest bicycle event in Europe. And a special usp of IAA Mobility is the connection of all mobility providers with each other and with the high tech industry. The list of car manufacturers represented includes among others. I will only name some of them cause the completeness can be found in the press release you"ve already got. We have Audi, BMW Cooper, Dacia, Renault, Ford, Kia, Hyundai’s luxury brand Genesis, Great Wall brands, Aura and Wey, Hyundai itself, Kia, Mercedes Benz, of course, . Porsche, Smart and of course Volkswagen and others.
---IAA Mobility从一开始就是欧洲最大的自行车博览会。IAA Mobility 的另一个特点是,促进交通出行行业内部交流,并与高科技产业对接。关于将要参展的汽车厂商,我会部分提一下。在您收到的新闻稿中,有完整的参展厂商名单。这次参展的有奥迪、BMW、达契亚、雷诺、福特、起亚现代的豪华品牌捷尼赛思、长城汽车的品牌欧拉和WEY、现代本身、起亚、梅赛德斯奔驰、保时捷、SMART、大众等。
We have also some suppliers with us, the bigger ones that Faurecia, Continent, Bosch, Plastic Omnium, Valeo, ZF and many digital companies like the new Volkswagen software company CARIAD, Huawei, IBM, Mobile Eye, and Qualcomm. In the field of bicycle micro mobility innovations will be presented by over 50 bicycle exhibitors and 75 brands including Cannondale, PEGASUS, Vässla, RockShox.
---还有一些供应商参展,其中较大的包括佛吉亚、大陆、博世、彼欧、法雷奥和采埃孚。另外还有很多数字行业企业,例如大众集团新成立的软件公司CARIAD、华为、IBM、Mobile Eye和高通。在自行车领域的创新成果,将由包括Cannondale、PEGASUS 、Vässla、RockShox在内的50多个参展商和75个品牌来呈现。
Inspiration will be provided on four stages and over 500 international speakers from the mobility and digital industry and scientists, politicians, and NGOs will present the newest information, innovations and ideas about the future of mobility. The sustainable transformation of mobility will be the subject of many keynote speeches, panel discussions and fireside chats. Visitors to the IAA Mobility conference can look forward to a great variety of exciting topics, represented by a very well known international speakers. For example, there will be a round table discussion on the transformation of mobility with Ola Kaellenius, CEO Daimler, and Carsten Spohr, CEO of Lufthansa.
---智慧火花将在四个舞台上迸发。来自交通出行和数字产业的精英、科学家、政治家、非政府组织代表等500余名演讲嘉宾将分享最新信息、创新实践和未来出行理念。主旨演讲、沙龙座谈和炉边谈话将会围绕交通出行的持续转型这个主题展开。与会人士可以期待来自全球各地的知名讲者带来精彩见解。例如,戴姆勒集团CEO康松林和汉莎集团CEO Carsten Spohr将会就出行转型举行圆桌讨论。
On our expert stage, Professor Aloy Schenol, and Huawei CTO Marick Noman, will discuss the connection of systems, while the new mobile radio standard 5G in the relaxed atmosphere of a fireside chat. To mention a new names of our speakers among others, there will be Cristiano Amon, CEO of Qualcomm, Dr. Oliver Blume CEO of Porsche, Dr. Herbert Diess from Volkswagen, Patrick Paul Gelsinger, CEO of Intel, Dr. Philipp Rode, Executive Director of London School of Economics. They will be all there and talk about the future of mobility.
---在专家讲坛上,Aloy Schenol教授、华为CTO Marico Noman将在炉边谈话的轻松范围中结合新的移动无线通讯标准5G,讨论系统连接。此外,高通公司CEO安蒙、保时捷公司CEO奥博穆、大众公司的赫伯特·迪斯(Herbert Diess)博士、英特尔公司CEO帕特里克·格尔辛格(Patrick Paul Gelsinger)、伦敦政治经济学院的执行主任Philipp Rode博士等演讲嘉宾将出席会议,论述未来出行。
Visitors can enjoy here a diversified program of innovation and entertainment, with an exciting array of art installations, cultural programs, and culinary concepts. I would like to name a few companies presenting themselves in the downtown area. It"s including ADAC, Audi, BMW, Bosch, Auther, Canyon, Dacia, Cooper, ENBW, Ford, Fraunhofer Institute, Genesis, IBM, Kia, Mercedes Benz, Posta, Porcha, Riese & Müller, Rose Bikes, Rotwild, Siemens, and Volkswagen.
---访客们可以尽享各种创新成果和娱乐活动,领略多样艺术装置、文化活动和珍馐美味。我想介绍几个将在市中心进行展示的企业,例如德国汽车协会(ADAC)、奥迪、BMW、博世、Auther, Canyon、达契亚、Cooper、ENBW、福特、弗劳恩霍夫研究院、捷尼赛思、IBM、起亚、梅赛德斯奔驰、极星(Polestar)、保时捷、Riese & Müller 、Rose Bikes、Rotwild、西门子和大众。
We have world premieres by Audi, BMW Cooper, Dacia, Ford, Hyundai, Mercedes, Maybach, AMG, Smart, MINI, Renault, and Volkswagen, and a lot more. Upsetting schemes, such as making tires out of recycled PET bottles. We also will see that moreover, large parts of the IAA Mobility itself will be climate neutral, very special. And we think that this IAA is the first of its kind in this field of action. Tina will get more into detail.
---奥迪、BWW、达契亚、福特、现代、梅赛德斯、迈巴赫、AMG、SMART、MINI、雷诺、大众等众多车企会举行全球首发。我们还会看到展示用回收的PET塑料瓶制作轮胎等颠覆性技术。此外,还有一点很特殊。IAA Mobility在很大程度上会做到气候中和,在本领域一马当先。
Thank you. On the topic of sustainability and climate neutrality, you can find a great variety of very different approaches and ideas around the IAA Mobility. For example, all exhibitors in the open space have agreed to set their presentation CO2 neutral. To this end, we are working together with the international initiative, My Climate. Furthermore, we have installed permanent power supply at a variety of locations in the open space. This was a deliberate move to dispense with the installation and operation of diesel generators. Moreover, many zero emission vehicles will be presented at the open space. And the entire event will be electrified with green power. Sustainability is definitely a large building block on the path of the mobility of tomorrow.
---IAA Mobility多措并举,实现可持续性与气候中和。例如,公共展示区内的所有参展商同意,将按碳中和的标准搭建展台。为此,我们与My Climate这个国际倡议开展合作。此外,在公共展示区多处地点,我们特意设置了不间断电源,消除了安装运行柴油发电机的必要。再者,很多零排放车型将亮相公共展示区。整个博览会都会采用绿色电力。在通向未来出行的道路上,可持续性必定是关键基石。
Yeah, one last, but important topic, IAA Mobility 2021 was actually planned all the time and from start under pandemic conditions. So we are in close contact with the proper authorities so that we can relate daily together with the city of Munich and the state of Bavaria. We have developed a wide range of scenarios, enabling visitors to experience the summit, the conference, and the open space, responsibly, and safely.
---IAA Mobility一直是在疫情条件下筹备的。所以,我们与有关部门保持联系,每天都与巴伐利亚州政府和慕尼黑市政府互通信息。我们还制定了多种预案,让访客们可以负责并安全地畅享峰会、会议和公共展示区。
For example, we have installed the VRT principle which stands for vaccinated recovered or tested. It applies on the whole exhibition ground as a basic rule. In the buildings of Messe München, in which the summit and the conference will take place and in the open space extended on the ground, social distancing rules and a mask requirement apply for both exhibitors and visitors. And generally to gain admission to the IAA, visitors must also present the proof of a negative corona test performance on the same day, recovery from the past infection or full vaccination. With this action, we can guarantee a risk-free and safe event.
Actually, if you are not vaccinated, you need a test. If you"re healthy again or vaccinated, you don"t need a test. The test is necessarily to be twenty within 24 hours to be renewed. Sorry. It has to be renewed every 24 hours, so you have to be a daily test and the.
Here in Europe we will accept European vaccination procedures and the documents. That"s the answer for the last question. And the first question was regarding the numbers. Currently, it"s very, very hard to give you a number, because there are so many things of new developments. The concept is completely other. It"s completely renewed. We have the pandemic situation. You already know that. And several other things. So, of course, what we see is maybe we will more half and European focus if we see on the participants that could be with see on all the travel restrictions. But we have a clear eye on the travel restrictions from several countries. The Messe München has many subsidiaries in several countries all over the world. So we are talking with them about the travel restrictions. What we can do is to support you the most with information. I think the second question was, what"s up with the testing facilities? Yes, we have test opportunities here at the fair grounds. But if you need them or want to choose them that, would this will take some time. So please plan with that if you want to use our testing facilities.
Friendly reminder. They don"t have to pay for that during the show.
I can answer that. There is no problem about that. We"re happy to welcome several companies uh from China. Of course, hopefully many visitors and participants physically or virtually. We can welcome several brands of Great Wall with WEY and Aura, will be premiere for Aura at the IAA for Europe. We will have Xiaopeng, with a presence in our IAA virtual programs. So they"re not physically here, but they will participate virtually with a big program and big Information offer for you. Of course, I"ve already named Huawei. We have others like xEV, Kunshan MEKO Prototyping and several other suppliers as well, Lingyun Industrial Corporation, Guangdong Greenwood technology and others. I think it is a good idea to share a list of the Chinese exhibitors, and check them all at our website. They will find the exhibitors list and you have several filter opportunities to look for specific companies, for example, all companies from China or other Asian countries.
You have to register and then you are able to enter the whole IAA Virtual. So you can enjoy the program from the very first media and press day to the end of the week and can get all information, all speeches, keynotes and so forth on line and also virtual-only programs, which is also quite interesting, is call you available. And we have the sessions also then on demand. So actually, it would be a good thing.
We are not naming any number prior to this show. And this us said it"s even harder to sum up any number on that. By now, we know how many visitors we had in Frankfurt more than half of 1 million. But this year"s IAA is completely other thing. We have a part of this in the city center of Munich. So very crowded part, and we have here the part at the fairgrounds. What we are doing is the best to make the show secure in times of pandemic situation. Tina already mentioned that, but overall, it"s hard to give you a number that this special year.
When I think for an answer, that"s a little bit too early because the numbers are now going up or climbing up a lot. Of course, we are the last weeks prior to the show here in Germany we have also and some countries with holidays, et cetera. And we are seeing is that the numbers are now climbing upwards. For a Complete answer, it"s a little bit too early. Sorry for that.
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