
2011年10月19日 09:18


华晨确认其首款自主研发SUV 命名为V5,车厂表示,该车有望在今年11月的广州车展正式亮相。V5与X1非常接近,该车将搭载1.6升自然进气和1.5升涡轮增压引擎,前者由国内三菱工厂提供,而后者源自宝马动力系统。V5可能会采用扭力梁式悬挂,这意味着华晨将为该车开发一个新的平台以保持其全轮驱动功能。

Zhonghua's first SUV may debut in November

Brilliance's Zhonghua has confirmed the name of its first own-made SUV, the V5,. The manufacturer went further to say that it hopes the SUV will make its official debut at this November's Guangzhou Auto Expo.

V5 seems very similar in design to the X1. It will reportedly come with both naturally aspirated 1.6 L or turbocharged 1.5 L engines available, the former coming from a local Mitsubishi plant, while the latter being a BMW-based derivative. The V5 may potentially use torsion bar suspension, which casts doubt on whether or not Brilliance would specifically develop a new platform to maintain all-wheel drive functionality.

[责任编辑:robot] 标签:华晨 三菱 宝马 扭力 
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