2010年09月27日 10:12新诺汽车 】 【打印共有评论0

丰田近日发布了2011款汉兰达[综述 图片 论坛]改款车,该车将于今年底上市。这款升级版车型采用了改款后的前脸,前大灯,新的引擎盖和轮拱。为了使混合动力版与标准版有所区别,前者采用了独特的格栅,不同的雾灯和额外增加的车身涂装。丰田为汉兰达提供了三种动力系统,分别是功率139千瓦/190马力,扭矩252牛米的2.7升四缸;功率201千瓦/274马力,扭矩336牛米的3.5升V6以及综合输出功率209千瓦/284马力的3.5升V6混合动力版本,EPA(美国环保署)公布的该车城市/高速路油耗为28英里/加仑(百公里油耗约合8.4升)。

2011 toyota Highlander facelift revealed

Toyota has unveiled the facelifted 2011 Highlander. On sale later this year, the updated model features a revised front fascia, restyled headlights, a new hood and modified fenders. Under the hood, three different engines are available. The 2.7-liter four-cylinder produces 187 hp (139 kW / 190 PS) and 186 lb-ft (252 Nm) of torque, while the 3.5-liter V6 has 270 hp (201 kW / 274 PS) and 248 lb-ft (336 Nm) of torque. The hybridized 3.5-liter V6 produces a combined 280 hp (209 kW / 284 PS) and has an EPA estimated fuel economy rating of 28 MPG CITY / 28 MPG highway (US).

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